Winter Field Day

Hello Fellow OTVARC members,

Next month on January 28 and 29th, a group of us will be participating in the annual Winter Field Day at Stub Stewart State Park in Buxton Oregon.  We welcome any HAM to join us or contact us on January 28th at 11:00 am all the way to January 29th at 11:00 am.  We will be on 40, 20, and 15-meter bands as the day progresses.

We will be at the Dairy Creek Campground in the tent area between sites  28 and 18, not at the Hilltop area.

Please go to to find out more about this important event, and to be prepared in the event of an emergency in cold weather.

You can participate from the comfort of your shack, or come visit us and see what may be experienced under less than-ideal June Field Day conditions.

Email me if you are interested,

Dave, AB7DW