Lewis & Clark Trail on the Air – LCOTA

LCOTA is a yearly event organized by the Clark County Amateur Radio Club. It takes place during the first 2 weeks of June. The dates for 2025 are from May 30th to June 15th.

The Corps of Discovery passed through 16 states on its expedition. This event has clubs from each of the 16 states operating on the HF and VHF bands. Get them in your log to earn a certificate!

Modes Allowed: SSB, FM, CW, FT8/FT4

Band Allowed: 80M, 40M, 20M, 15M, 10M, 6M, 2M

OTVARC is 1 of the 2 authorized Oregon clubs to operate as an activating station for the Lewis & Clark Trail on the Air event.

For Event Hunters/Participants:

Trail Companion Certificate: Get 1-15 states
Expedition Partner Certificate: Get all 16 states (2 bonus stations can be substituted)

For Activators:

Members of OTVARC have a unique opportunity to operate as W7OTV as an activating station for this event. To volunteer to be an activator, please either talk to Ron or email w7otv@otvarc.org

Expedition Fun Fact: The Lewis and Clark expedition faced many dangers, but there was only 1 death during the expedition: Sgt. Floyd, from a ruptured appendix. This ailment was incurable in 1804, and he would not have fared any better even if treated by the best doctors of the time.

More info on the event can be found at https://lctota.org/

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Email webmaster@otvarc.org

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